Thumbnail Solution: Washed-out texturemaps in LuxRender

Door: Thijs Zumbrink
08-12-2012 19:17

Are your LuxRender results washed-out and bland while using texturemaps? Did you try everything from tonemapping to adjusting lighting, without a good fix? Look no further, the solution is shamefully simple!

I just discovered that while using texture type: "imagemap", the default gamma should be 2.2, but this is not respected! So when you do not set the gamma, your results will be off. (At least via the LuxRender C++ interface.)

In code:

lux_paramset* texParams = CreateLuxParamSet();
texParams->AddString("filename", "mytexture.png");
texParams->AddString("wrap", "clamp");
texParams->AddString("mapping", "uv");

float gamma = 2.2f;
texParams->AddFloat("gamma", &gamma);

lux->texture("textureName", "color", "imagemap", texParams);
Add red part to make all your troubles go away.

The difference in terms of output:
Geplaatste afbeelding
Ground truth

Geplaatste afbeelding
Initial result

Geplaatste afbeelding
After fix

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